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时间:2021-02-11 19:15:11


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I'm going to work for Microsoft. There, I said it. I'm going to work for 我要去微软工作。 在那里,我说了。 我要在开发人员部门的ScottGu's teamin the Developer Division. ScottGu团队工作。

Someone once showed me a diagram that looked something like the one at right. Most of us spend our time over in the red circle doing stuff someone will pay us to do. If you're lucky, you spend your time in-between them, doing stuff you're good at also. Sometimes something comes along that puts you right in that sweet spot and you have to go for it. Will this be my dream job? Could be, I don't know, but if it's not, it might get me a lot closer.

曾经有人给我看过一张图,看起来像右边的图。 我们大多数人将时间花在红色圆圈上,做某人会付钱给我们做的事情。 如果幸运的话,您可以将时间花在他们之间,同时做一些自己擅长的事情。 有时会出现一些使您处于最佳状态的事情,因此您必须坚持下去。 这会是我理想的工作吗? 可能是,我不知道,但如果不是,那可能会使我更接近。

这对博客和播客意味着什么(What's this mean for this blog and thepodcast?)

Fortunately, nothing. The blog is still mine. The podcast is still Carl's and mine, and while having a Blue Badge will get me access to more interesting people to interview (Hopefully some smarties in Microsoft Research. Maybe Bill, or that elusive Ray Ozzie interview...he's only turned me down twice, and he wasverynice about it) as well as, hopefully, some exclusives. I'm still going to talk about what I want to talk about. ScottGu and team were very cool and explicit that the blog and podcast are mine.

幸运的是,什么都没有。 该博客仍然是我的。 该播客仍然是Carl的个人,并且拥有Blue Badge可使我接触更多有趣的人(希望Microsoft Research中的一些聪明人。也许Bill或那难以捉摸的Ray Ozzie采访...他只是拒绝了我两次,他对此非常友善),并希望获得一些独家商品。 我仍然要谈论我想谈论的话题。 ScottGu和团队非常酷,并明确表示博客和播客属于我。

这个博客的声音会改变吗?(Will the voice of this blog change?)

If it does, then I'm doing something wrong. I've been an advocate for some things Microsoft for years, while other things, not so much. That's why I'm going to work for the DevDiv (Developer Division) and not Marketing. I might be a fanboy, but I'm not evil.

如果可以,那么我做错了。 多年来,我一直是Microsoft某些方面的倡导者,而其他方面则不是那么多。 这就是为什么我要为DevDiv(开发部门)而不是市场营销工作的原因。 我可能是一个迷,但我不是邪恶的。

All the blog stuff, the articles, the podcasting, screencasts, etc, that I've done over the years have been done on my own time, usually very late at nightfor no money save what I can get from Google Adsense and a few advertisers that pay for my hosting.

多年来,我所做的所有博客,文章,播客,截屏等都是我自己的时间,通常是在深夜,没有钱,除了可以从Google Adsense中获得的收益,还有一些支付我托管费用的广告客户。

When someone is a starving artist, they paint for the love of it. They starve, and paint, and starve and paint, and lament that no one will pay them for their art. Then one day, a benefactor comes along and says, "You're brilliant! I'll give you $ if you paint me 10 more just like it, with these small changes, and have those done by Tuesday, m'kay?" And the painter sometimes regrets it. Everyone that I've talked to has been totally up front and cool about things and while my job will be to Spread the Good Word, it's not like I wasn't already doing that anyway. However, no one will be editorializing my content and I'll likely get into trouble occasionally.

当某人是饥饿的艺术家时,他们会为它的爱而绘画。 他们挨饿,油漆,挨饿,油漆和哀叹,没人愿意为他们的艺术品付钱。 然后有一天,一个恩人出现了,说:“你真是太好了!如果你再给我加10点钱,这些小小的改动,在星期二之前完成,我会给你$,麦凯吗?” 画家有时会后悔。 我与之交谈的每个人都非常坦率,对事情很冷静,尽管我的工作是传播好话,但这并不是说我还没有这样做。 但是,没有人会编辑我的内容,偶尔也会遇到麻烦。

我的工作是什么?(What's my job?)

The HR title is a nice generic one like "Program Manager" (I was thinking to get this on my business card -Scott Hanselman -progman.exe, what do you think? ;) ) but in essence I'm going to talk about .NET and Visual Studio - the whole of DevDiv, including , WinForms, WPF, Silverlight, CLR, LINQ, IIS, DLR, .NET CF, everything. This means videos, screencasts, podcasts, maybe some Channel 9 stuff, doing articles, wikis, speaking at conferences and large events (invite me!), creating starter kits, samples, as well as my regular hobby of plugging things into other things. I'll also be working on understanding our community (that means you, Dear Reader)thr ough conversations, visits, and trying to bring some big picture analysis (the kind of stuff I do now, again) to the .NET 3.5 and .NET Futures stack. I am also obsessed with getting my new Apple Newton Messagepad 2000 to sync with Outlook , so watch for that.

HR标题是一个很好的通用名称,例如“程序管理器”(我当时想在我的名片-Scott Hanselman-progman.exe上找到,您的想法是什么;;)),但实质上我将要谈论.NET和Visual Studio-整个DevDiv,包括,WinForms,WPF,Silverlight,CLR,LINQ,IIS,DLR,.NET CF等。 这意味着视频,屏幕录像,播客,也许还有一些Channel 9的内容,文章,Wiki,在会议和大型活动上的演讲(邀请我!),创建入门工具包,示例以及我经常将事物插入其他事物的爱好。 我还将努力通过对话,访问来了解我们的社区(这意味着您,亲爱的读者),并尝试将.NET 3.5和.NET进行大图分析(我现在再次做这种事情)。 NET期货堆栈。 我还着迷于使新的Apple Newton Messagepad 2000与Outlook 同步,因此请注意这一点。

那么Corillian / Checkfree呢?(What about Corillian/Checkfree?)

The combination of CheckFree and Corillian promises to change the way people manage their money online, and I gave careful and serious consideration to the opportunities I had to continue to contribute to that vision. There's rarely a good time to leave a company, especially one that you love, but this was as close to a "it's not you, it's me" kind of breakup as one can have. I've been spreading the Computer Zen on the side for five years now. I've been speaking as part of INETA, doing the MVP and RD thing for years.While there's huge opportunity at Corillian/Checkfree right now, the bosses (and my friends) made it clear that I could be a big part of the future, this opportunity just happened (at Foo Camp, actually) to come together in such a cool way that I decided I wanted to move out of my comfort zone and take a leap of faith.

CheckFree和Corillian的结合有望改变人们在线管理金钱的方式,我认真认真地考虑了我必须继续为这一愿景做出贡献的机会。 很少有时间离开一家公司,尤其是您所钟爱的公司,但这几乎可以说是一种“不是您,是我”的分手。 五年来,我一直在一边传播Computer Zen。 我作为INETA的一员一直在讲话,从事MVP和RD事务已有多年。 尽管Corillian / Checkfree现在有巨大的机会,但老板(和我的朋友)清楚地表明,我可以成为未来的重要组成部分,但这个机会恰好发生在(实际上,在Foo Camp)我决定要离开舒适区并迈出信仰飞跃的方式。

I've grown to know ScottGu and many of the folks in MSFT Building 42 and have decided that they are good people. Sure, there are some odd decisions that are made in the big house, but now I'll be on the inside, trying to make sense of them, and hopefully I'll be able toinfluence things for the better.

我已经认识了ScottGu和MSFT 42号楼的许多人,并决定他们是好人。 当然,在大房子里做出了一些奇怪的决定,但现在我要进入内部,试图使它们变得有意义,并希望我能够对事情产生更好的影响。

下一步是什么?(What's next?)

is defined many ways, but I like these two:


"Taking responsibility for the survival and well-being of something that is valued, such as a natural resource" and "an individual's responsibility to exercise care over possessions entrusted to him or her"


If you trust me, you know that I'm not evil, and that I'm going to Microsoft in order to bring additional trust into the relationship between developer and platform. There needs to be a sense ofstewardshipand a deep valuing of the trust that developers put into their tools.

如果您信任我,那么您会知道我并不邪恶,并且打算前往Microsoft来为开发人员与平台之间的关系带来更多信任。 需要有一种管理意识和对开发人员对其工具的信任的深刻评价。

All this said, I've gone ahead, Dear Reader, by creating a Hanselborg image for you, in the interest of saving you the time of doing it yourself.


I now return you to your regularly scheduled blog.


翻译自: /blog/blue-badge

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