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睾丸精子 Testicular sperm英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-23 14:55:16


睾丸精子,Testicular sperm

1)Testicular sperm睾丸精子

1.Testicular biopsy was used to obtain testicular sperm to evaluate sperm motility.方法 :本文选择 5例精液中无活动精子的不育患者 ,应用睾丸精子活力检测、精子头 -尾膜完整性结合试验和透射电镜观察 ,探讨其精子不活动的原因。

2.Testicular tisue and testicular sperm from patients with congenital absence of the vas deferens were investigated.对先天性双侧输精管缺如不育患者,采用睾丸活检组织观察睾丸组织生殖病理学(n=18)及其睾丸精子(n=8)特征。


1.Ivestigation of Fertile Ability of Sperm Derived from HSL Knock out Mice Testis by ICSIHSL敲除小鼠睾丸精子受精能力的单精注射研究

2.In vitro fertilization outcomes after intracytoplasmic sperm injection with fresh or frozen-thawed testicular spermatozoa体外受精-胚胎移植中新鲜睾丸精子与解冻后睾丸精子助孕结局比较

3.Primary Evaluation of Testicular Biopsy and Pathological Examination on Status of Sperm Detectable Rate from Patients with Obstructive Azoospermia睾丸活检和病理学检查对梗阻性无精子症患者睾丸精子检出率初探

4.Gene Engineering Expressing and Antibody Preparation of Human Testis Sperm Protein SP22;人睾丸精子蛋白SP22的基因工程表达及抗体制备

5.Effects of Total Saponins of Panax Notoginseng on Seminiferous Epithelium in Adult Rats三七总皂苷对大鼠睾丸精子发生的影响

6.Efficient Treatment of Severe Teratozoospermia by ICSI with Testicular Spermatozoa:A Report of 5 Cases睾丸精子行ICSI改善严重畸形精子症患者治疗结局5例报告

7.Study on Development/Spermatogenensis Related Genes in Human Testis;人睾丸发育/精子发生相关基因的研究

8.Analysis of RNA in swine spermatozoa and testis猪精子和睾丸组织RNA的初步分析

9.The Effect on in Vitro Fertilization and Polyspermy between Ejaculate and Epididymis Semen;猪睾丸和附睾精子冷冻—解冻处理对体外受精和多精受精的影响

10.Study on the Relationship of Pathology,lgG,lgM of Testicular Tissue Between Testiculogenic Azoospermic Patients with Deficiency Symdrome of the Kidney and Blood Stasis Symdrome;睾丸性无精子症肾虚证组,血瘀证组患者睾丸病理、IgG、IgM的比较研究

11.Application of percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration and testicular sperm aspiration in differential diagnosis of azoospermia经皮附睾和睾丸穿刺精子抽吸术在无精子症鉴别诊断中的应用

12.Change of Spermatogenic Epithelium under Condition of Undifferential Inflammation in Rat Testes;非特异性睾丸炎睾丸生精上皮的改变

13.Expressions of Cadherin Molecules CDH18 and PCDH17 in Human Azoospermic Testes钙粘附分子CDH18、PCDH17在人无精子症睾丸中的表达

14.Expression of cell cycle molecules in human azoospermic testes细胞周期类分子在人无精子症睾丸中的表达

15.Effects of Regulation to P450 Aromatase Activity on Testis and Epididymis Development and Spermatogenesis in MiceP450芳香化酶活性调控对小鼠睾丸和附睾发育及精子发生的影响

16.Sperm as Vector for Gene Transfer by Intratestis Injection;睾丸内注射精子载体法介导基因转移实验研究

17.Expression of VEGF in Non-obstructive Azoospermia Testicle Tissue;VEGF在非梗阻性无精子症睾丸组织的表达

18.The Pathological Studying on the Testi-Cular Biopsy of Azoospermia of Azoospermia Factor Microdeletions;AZF基因微缺失无精子症患者睾丸病理观察


PESA and TESA附睾睾丸精子

3)Testicular and sperm toxicity睾丸和精子毒性

4)non obstructive azoospermia睾丸性无精子症

5)Testicular sperm extraction睾丸精子抽提术

6)testis cDNA microarray睾丸CDNA精子发生


丙酸睾丸酮 ,丙酸睾丸素药物名称:丙酸睾酮英文名:Testosterone Propionate别名: 丙酸睾酮;丙酸睾丸酮 ,丙酸睾丸素 外文名:Testosterone Propionate 药理作用: 通过刺激肾脏分泌红细胞生成素的作用,或对骨髓有直接刺激作用。 适应症: 用于无睾症、隐睾症、男性性腺功能减退症;妇科疾病如月经过多、子宫肌瘤;老年性骨质疏松以及再生障碍性贫血等。 用量用法: 肌注:通常为1次25mg,每周2~3次。 1.雄激素缺乏症:肌注1次10~50mg,每周2~3次。 2.月经过多或子宫肌瘤:每次肌注25~50mg,每周2次。 3.功能性子宫出血,配合黄体酮使用:每次肌注25~50mg,隔日1次,共3~4次。 4.再生障碍性贫血:每日或隔日肌注1次100mg,连用6个月以上。 5.老年性骨质疏松症:每次肌注25mg,每周2~3次,连用3~6个月。 6.女性乳腺癌及乳癌骨转移:每次肌注50~100mg,隔日1次,用药2~3个月。 注意事项: 1.大剂量可引起女性男性化、浮肿、肝损害、黄疸、头晕等。 2.有过敏反应者应即停药。肝、肾功能不全、前列腺癌病人及孕妇忌用。 3.注射液如有结晶析出,可加温溶解后注射。 4.妊娠及哺乳妇女、前列腺癌患者禁用;用药过程中应定期查肝功能,如有肝损害则应减药或停用;青春期前儿童应用时应减量,且每隔6个月测1次骨龄。规格: 注射液:每支10mg(1ml)、25mg(1ml)、50mg(1ml)。 类别:雄激素及同化激素
