康老师艾滋病康复网 > 睾丸体积 testicular volume英语短句 例句大全

睾丸体积 testicular volume英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-28 23:38:00


睾丸体积,testicular volume

1)testicular volume睾丸体积

1.Inter/intra investigator variation in orchidometric measure-ments oftesticular volume by ten investigators from five insti-tutions;十位来自五个不同机构的调查者进行睾丸体积测量的组间和组内差异

2.106 casestesticular volume were assessed by ultrasonography.方法 :对 12 6例精索静脉曲张进行临床分析 ,主要表现为不育、睾丸坠痛及患侧睾丸体积小。

3.Methods Testicular volume in 30 patients who underwent kidney transplantation for uremia was monitored by color ultrasound before and in 1,3 and 12 months after kidney transplantation.目的探讨肾移植对男性慢性肾功能不全尿毒症期患者睾丸体积及生育力指数的影响。


1.The Relation of Volume between the Vocal related Nuclei and the Testis of the Songbird andFringilla Montifringilla;燕雀发声核团体积与睾丸体积相关性的研究

2.A study on accurate measurement of testicular volume by different methods不同测量方法对睾丸体积测量的准确性研究

3.The blood flow velocity of the testicular arteries gradually increased with testicular volume in puberty.结论正常青春期ITA,CA,TA的血流速度均随睾丸体积的增大而逐渐增高,相关性良好。

4.Effect of kidney transplantation on male fertility index and testicular volume in uremia patients肾移植对慢性肾功能不全尿毒症期患者睾丸体积及生育力指数的影响

5.radical treatment of hydrocele testis睾丸鞘膜积液根治术

6.Laparoscopy for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cryptorchdism with Non-Palpable Testis腹腔镜下未触及睾丸隐睾的诊治体会

7.Testicular biopsy and determination of sexual hormone and testicular volume in patients with azoospermia无精症患者睾丸病理、性激素水平及睾丸容积检测

8.Testis vagina tunic cavity effusion and stone:case report超声诊断睾丸鞘膜腔积液并结石1例

9.Influence of Rat Testicular Macrophages on Function and Morphology of Leydig Cells in Vitro;睾丸巨噬细胞对睾丸间质细胞功能和形态影响的体外研究

10.The Study on Development of the Testes of Ostrich Chicks and Effects of Boron in the Hypothalamus-pituitary-testis Axis;育雏期鸵鸟睾丸的发育及硼对其下丘脑—垂体—睾丸轴的影响研究

11.Expression,Distribution and Biological Function of Leptin Receptor in the Testis瘦素受体在睾丸的表达分布及其功能

12.Diagnosis and Treatment of Testicular Torsion(Report of 26 Cases)睾丸扭转诊治体会(附26例报告)

13.Report of a case of the ultrasonography on children hydrocele and scrotal calulus幼儿睾丸鞘膜积液并阴囊结石症超声表现1例

14.4-chlorotestosterone acetate醋酸-4-氯睾丸素

15.Haller"s rete哈勒氏网, 睾丸网

16.The Study of Modification on the Technique of Testicular Autotransplantation in Dogs and Its Influence on Grafted Testes;犬自体睾丸移植术的改进及其对植睾功能影响的研究

17.The Effect on in Vitro Fertilization and Polyspermy between Ejaculate and Epididymis Semen;猪睾丸和附睾精子冷冻—解冻处理对体外受精和多精受精的影响

18.Effects of Phytoestrogens on Testosterone Production of Rat Leydig Cells植物雌激素对体外培养的大鼠睾丸间质细胞分泌睾酮的作用


testis volume睾丸体积

1.Objective: To introduce the application of percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration (PESA) in the differential diagnosis between obstructive and non-obstructive azoospermia, and to investigate the association of the results of PESA withtestis volume and the level of serum follicle stimulating hormone (FSH).目的:介绍经皮附睾穿刺取精术(PESA)在梗阻性和非梗阻性无精子症诊断中的应用,并探讨睾丸体积和血清卵泡刺激素(FSH)水平对其结果的影响。

3)testicular volume睾丸容积

1.Testicular biopsy and determination of sexual hormone andtesticular volume in patients with azoospermia无精症患者睾丸病理、性激素水平及睾丸容积检测

4)testis chro-mosome睾丸染色体

1.The toxicity of tribenuron-methyl was studied,in-cluding acute toxicity,irritation,micronucleu andtestis chro-mosome assay.本文报道了苯黄隆的急性毒性、刺激性、微核、睾丸染色体畸变试验研究结果。

5)Pituitary and testis垂体和睾丸

6)hydrocele of testis睾丸鞘膜积液

1.Location of the testis outside the tunica vaginalis with Listerism to treat thehydrocele of testis;睾丸外置加鞘膜内壁腐灼治疗睾丸鞘膜积液


丙酸睾丸酮 ,丙酸睾丸素药物名称:丙酸睾酮英文名:Testosterone Propionate别名: 丙酸睾酮;丙酸睾丸酮 ,丙酸睾丸素 外文名:Testosterone Propionate 药理作用: 通过刺激肾脏分泌红细胞生成素的作用,或对骨髓有直接刺激作用。 适应症: 用于无睾症、隐睾症、男性性腺功能减退症;妇科疾病如月经过多、子宫肌瘤;老年性骨质疏松以及再生障碍性贫血等。 用量用法: 肌注:通常为1次25mg,每周2~3次。 1.雄激素缺乏症:肌注1次10~50mg,每周2~3次。 2.月经过多或子宫肌瘤:每次肌注25~50mg,每周2次。 3.功能性子宫出血,配合黄体酮使用:每次肌注25~50mg,隔日1次,共3~4次。 4.再生障碍性贫血:每日或隔日肌注1次100mg,连用6个月以上。 5.老年性骨质疏松症:每次肌注25mg,每周2~3次,连用3~6个月。 6.女性乳腺癌及乳癌骨转移:每次肌注50~100mg,隔日1次,用药2~3个月。 注意事项: 1.大剂量可引起女性男性化、浮肿、肝损害、黄疸、头晕等。 2.有过敏反应者应即停药。肝、肾功能不全、前列腺癌病人及孕妇忌用。 3.注射液如有结晶析出,可加温溶解后注射。 4.妊娠及哺乳妇女、前列腺癌患者禁用;用药过程中应定期查肝功能,如有肝损害则应减药或停用;青春期前儿童应用时应减量,且每隔6个月测1次骨龄。规格: 注射液:每支10mg(1ml)、25mg(1ml)、50mg(1ml)。 类别:雄激素及同化激素
