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睾丸损伤 Testicular trauma英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-19 03:24:50


睾丸损伤,Testicular trauma

1)Testicular trauma睾丸损伤

1.High frequency ultrasonographyic diagnosis of closed scrotal and testicular trauma;闭合性阴囊及睾丸损伤的高频超声诊断


1.Empirical Study of Sonography in Predicting Contralateral Testicular Damage after Unilateral Testicular Hemodynamic Disorder;超声检查预测睾丸血运障碍对健侧睾丸损伤的实验研究

2.Effect of Ginkgo Biloba on Testicle Injuries Induced by Diethylstilbestrol in Mice;银杏叶对己烯雌酚致小鼠睾丸损伤的保护作用

3.Study the Effects of Cyclosporin a on Spermatogenesis and Expression of Fasl and Fas in the Controlateral Testis after the Unilateral Testis Injured in KM Mouse;小鼠睾丸损伤后环孢素A对Fas系统的影响

4.The Researches on the Damage Mechanism of Sub-Chronic Manganism on the Testis of Chicken亚慢性锰中毒致育成鸡睾丸损伤机制的研究

5.Protective Effect of Puerarin Against Alcohol-induced Injury of Rat Testes葛根素对酒精所致大鼠睾丸损伤的保护作用

6.Damaging and apoptosis effect of mice testis after microwave irradiation微波照射后小鼠睾丸损伤及凋亡的研究

7.Protective effect of zinc on oxidative injury of testis induced by chronic alcohol exposure in rats锌对乙醇长期摄入致大鼠睾丸损伤保护作用

8.Protective Effects and Its Relative Mechanisms of Low Dose Ionizing Radiation on Diabetic Male Rat"s Testis Damage;低剂量电离辐射对糖尿病雄性大鼠睾丸损伤的保护作用及其机制

9.Relationship between the time of cold ischemia and ischemia-reperfusion injury睾丸移植冷缺血时间与睾丸缺血再灌注损伤的关系

10.Study on the Mechanism of Octylphenol-Induced Toxicity in Cultured Rat Testes Sertoli Cells;辛基酚致大鼠睾丸Sertoli细胞损伤及其机制的研究

11.Effect of Cadmium on Rat Leydig Cells in Vitro镉对离体大鼠睾丸间质细胞的损伤作用

12.Ultrasonography in therapy of testicular torsion/detorsion injuries超声技术在治疗睾丸扭转/复位损伤中的作用

13.Proteomics analysis of the early testicular injury induced by microwave radiation微波辐射致睾丸早期损伤的蛋白质组学研究

14.X-ray ionization radiation-induced injury to adult mouse testis tissueX射线电离辐射对成年小鼠睾丸组织的损伤

15.The role of Sertoli cells in the testes spermatogenesis and its damage in the radiation睾丸Sertoli细胞在精子发生中的作用及辐射损伤

16.Effect of Hu on DNA of Testicacar Cells in Mice羟基脲致雄性小鼠睾丸细胞DNA的损伤作用

17.The Study of Establishment of Testis Transplantation Model and Mechnism of Graft Injury in Rats;大鼠睾丸移植模型的建立及植睾损伤机制的初步研究

18.Protective Effect of L-Carnitine on the Testis and Epididymis Against Ornidazole-Induced Injury in Male RatsL-肉碱在奥硝唑所致大鼠睾丸和附睾损伤中的保护作用


Testicular injury睾丸损伤

1.Objective: To observe the protective effects of vitamin E on the testicular injury by cyclophosphamide in mice,and the correlative mechanism.目的:观察维生素E对环磷酰胺(CP)致小鼠睾丸损伤的保护作用,并探讨其相关机制。


4)injury of scrotum and testis阴囊睾丸损伤

1.Objectives To improve the diagnosis levels of the patients who had theinjury of scrotum and testis.结论CT能准确诊断各种类型的阴囊睾丸损伤 ,并准确估计其损伤程度和范围。

5)contralateral testis injury对侧睾丸损伤

6)Tesicle injury睾丸外伤

1.36 cases ofTesicle injury were treated from Jan 1983 to Jan 1998.为提高睾丸外伤的诊治水平。


丙酸睾丸酮 ,丙酸睾丸素药物名称:丙酸睾酮英文名:Testosterone Propionate别名: 丙酸睾酮;丙酸睾丸酮 ,丙酸睾丸素 外文名:Testosterone Propionate 药理作用: 通过刺激肾脏分泌红细胞生成素的作用,或对骨髓有直接刺激作用。 适应症: 用于无睾症、隐睾症、男性性腺功能减退症;妇科疾病如月经过多、子宫肌瘤;老年性骨质疏松以及再生障碍性贫血等。 用量用法: 肌注:通常为1次25mg,每周2~3次。 1.雄激素缺乏症:肌注1次10~50mg,每周2~3次。 2.月经过多或子宫肌瘤:每次肌注25~50mg,每周2次。 3.功能性子宫出血,配合黄体酮使用:每次肌注25~50mg,隔日1次,共3~4次。 4.再生障碍性贫血:每日或隔日肌注1次100mg,连用6个月以上。 5.老年性骨质疏松症:每次肌注25mg,每周2~3次,连用3~6个月。 6.女性乳腺癌及乳癌骨转移:每次肌注50~100mg,隔日1次,用药2~3个月。 注意事项: 1.大剂量可引起女性男性化、浮肿、肝损害、黄疸、头晕等。 2.有过敏反应者应即停药。肝、肾功能不全、前列腺癌病人及孕妇忌用。 3.注射液如有结晶析出,可加温溶解后注射。 4.妊娠及哺乳妇女、前列腺癌患者禁用;用药过程中应定期查肝功能,如有肝损害则应减药或停用;青春期前儿童应用时应减量,且每隔6个月测1次骨龄。规格: 注射液:每支10mg(1ml)、25mg(1ml)、50mg(1ml)。 类别:雄激素及同化激素
