康老师艾滋病康复网 > 睾丸静脉 testicular vein英语短句 例句大全

睾丸静脉 testicular vein英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-07 14:54:41


睾丸静脉,testicular vein

1)testicular vein睾丸静脉

1.This paper is to realize the variations oftesticular vein and ovarian vein.目的 :了解睾丸静脉和卵巢静脉的变异。

2.Objective: To observe the morphological structure of thetesticular vein in the Chinese.目的 :观察睾丸静脉的形态结构。

2)left testicular vein左睾丸静脉

1.Morphologic characteristics of the lumbar portion ofleft testicular vein;左睾丸静脉腰段的形态特征

2.Objective:To provide anatomic basis for the clinical imaging diagnosis and treatment of theleft testicular vein(TV) and the left suprarenal vein(SV).目的:为与左睾丸静脉和左肾上腺静脉相关的临床影像学诊断和治疗提供解剖学资料。

3)testicular artery睾丸动脉


1.Investigation the Model of Self-immunization Testitis Were Ligatured Single-arterial Testicular on BALB/c Mouse小鼠单侧睾丸动脉结扎构建自身免疫性睾丸炎模型的探讨

2.Studies on the Expression and Mechanism of the Heme Oxgenase-2 in Smooth Muscle of Monkey Testicular Arteries;猴睾丸动脉平滑肌HO-2的表达及作用机制的研究

3.Proliferation, Hypertrophy and Apoptosis of Smooth Muscle of Testicular Artery and Effects of Heme Oxygenase and Carbon Monoxide in KKAy Diabetic Mouse;KKAy糖尿病小鼠睾丸动脉平滑肌增生、肥大、凋亡的动态变化及HO/CO的调控

4.remove the testicles of a male animal.将雄性动物的睾丸割去。

5.(of a male animal) having the testicles removed.(指雄性动物)去除睾丸。

6.The Dependability Study of Experimental Acute Testicular Hemodynamic Disorder and Reversed Diastolic Flow of Artery;实验性急性睾丸血运障碍与动脉舒张期反向血流的相关性研究

7.cut off the testicles; of male animals such as horses.切除睾丸;尤指切除像公马等的雄性动物的睾丸。

8.Study on Duplicating Varicocele Testicular and Epididymis Damage in Rat Model精索静脉曲张大鼠睾丸附睾损害模型复制的研究

9.4-chlorotestosterone acetate醋酸-4-氯睾丸素

10.Haller"s rete哈勒氏网, 睾丸网

11.To remove the testicles of(a male;geld or emasculate.阉割去除(雄性动物的)睾丸;阉割或使无男子气

12.Castrate:To remove the testicles of (a male); geld or emasculate.阉割:去除(雄性动物的)睾丸;阉割或使无男子气。

13.Effect of Exercise Training on Expression of NOS,Bax and Bcl-2 in Rats Testicle Tissue;运动训练对大鼠睾丸组织NOS、Bax、Bcl-2表达的影响

14.Impact of passive smoking on testicular morphology of mice被动吸烟对小白鼠睾丸形态学上的影响

15.Change of Spermatogenic Epithelium under Condition of Undifferential Inflammation in Rat Testes;非特异性睾丸炎睾丸生精上皮的改变

16.Investigation of male with infertility and varicocele by ultrasonography超声在男性不育症精索静脉曲张睾丸检测中的应用

17.Effect of Experimental Left Varicocele on Rat Leydig Cell;实验性大鼠左侧精索静脉曲张对睾丸Leydig细胞的影响

18.Expression and Significance of HIF-1α in Varicocele Rat Testis;精索静脉曲张大鼠睾丸组织中HIF-1α的表达及意义


left testicular vein左睾丸静脉

1.Morphologic characteristics of the lumbar portion ofleft testicular vein;左睾丸静脉腰段的形态特征

2.Objective:To provide anatomic basis for the clinical imaging diagnosis and treatment of theleft testicular vein(TV) and the left suprarenal vein(SV).目的:为与左睾丸静脉和左肾上腺静脉相关的临床影像学诊断和治疗提供解剖学资料。

3)testicular artery睾丸动脉


1.Oxidative damage of mitochondria and micriosome intestis cells induced by nickel sulfate in rats;硫酸镍致大鼠睾丸细胞线粒体及微粒体损伤

2.Correlation Between the Expression of iNOS and Oxidative Stress on Testis After Cigarette Smoke Exposure;香烟烟雾致睾丸氧化应激损伤与iNOS表达的关系

3.Effect of nolyphenol on the expression of aromatizing enzyme in micetestis;壬基酚对小鼠睾丸芳香化酶表达的影响


1.The effect of cryopreservation on the function of transplanted rabbittesticle;睾丸灌注超低温冷冻对家兔移植睾丸功能的影响

2.Effects of Formaldehyde and Benzene on Total Antioxidant Capacity,ATPase and Ca~(2+) in Testicle of Mice;甲醛和苯对小鼠睾丸总抗氧化能力和ATP酶及钙的影响

3.To Observe the Changes of Testicle Ultrastructure Experimental Diabetes Mellitus Rats;实验性糖尿病大鼠睾丸超微结构变化


1.Effects of Diethylstilbestrol on Adult HamsterTestes Spermatogenesis;己烯雌酚对成年仓鼠睾丸生精的影响

2.Expression of Neuropeptide Y gene in mouse testes during testicular development;睾丸发育过程中小鼠睾丸神经肽Y基因的表达(英文)

3.Expression of toxin-related human mono-ADP-ribosyltransferase 3 in human testes;与毒素有关的人类单腺苷二磷酸-核糖基转移酶3(ART3)在人类睾丸中的表达


丙酸睾丸酮 ,丙酸睾丸素药物名称:丙酸睾酮英文名:Testosterone Propionate别名: 丙酸睾酮;丙酸睾丸酮 ,丙酸睾丸素 外文名:Testosterone Propionate 药理作用: 通过刺激肾脏分泌红细胞生成素的作用,或对骨髓有直接刺激作用。 适应症: 用于无睾症、隐睾症、男性性腺功能减退症;妇科疾病如月经过多、子宫肌瘤;老年性骨质疏松以及再生障碍性贫血等。 用量用法: 肌注:通常为1次25mg,每周2~3次。 1.雄激素缺乏症:肌注1次10~50mg,每周2~3次。 2.月经过多或子宫肌瘤:每次肌注25~50mg,每周2次。 3.功能性子宫出血,配合黄体酮使用:每次肌注25~50mg,隔日1次,共3~4次。 4.再生障碍性贫血:每日或隔日肌注1次100mg,连用6个月以上。 5.老年性骨质疏松症:每次肌注25mg,每周2~3次,连用3~6个月。 6.女性乳腺癌及乳癌骨转移:每次肌注50~100mg,隔日1次,用药2~3个月。 注意事项: 1.大剂量可引起女性男性化、浮肿、肝损害、黄疸、头晕等。 2.有过敏反应者应即停药。肝、肾功能不全、前列腺癌病人及孕妇忌用。 3.注射液如有结晶析出,可加温溶解后注射。 4.妊娠及哺乳妇女、前列腺癌患者禁用;用药过程中应定期查肝功能,如有肝损害则应减药或停用;青春期前儿童应用时应减量,且每隔6个月测1次骨龄。规格: 注射液:每支10mg(1ml)、25mg(1ml)、50mg(1ml)。 类别:雄激素及同化激素
